Adding custom screens and applications into the DeskDirector Client Console is easy.
We have already talked about how you can easily extend the DeskDirector Agent Console to bring in your own knowledgebase/wiki and other third party Connectwise integrations for your techs.
But there’s more.
We have added the same capability on the Client Console for the benefit of your clients
It’s done in the DeskDirector Admin Console in three easy steps
1. Add a custom category
2. Add custom URL templates using the available tokens
3. Decide which customers (one or many) get to see that custom content
[Admin Console]
The custom category creates a menu option in the client console so you can group your extensions away from other functionality.
In this case we will see a menu called "Sample Category"
There a seven Tokens for use in URLs (e.g[companyname]):
[contactfirstname], [contactlastname], [contactemail], [contactemaildomain], [companyid], [companyname] or [companyrecordid]
When you clieck on 'Sample Category':
When you click on 'Google your name':
Just as we did with the Agent Console we can use this feature to bring in other third party Connectwise integrations as well as your own custom content.
Connectbooster was one of the first such integrators and there will many more to come.
Let us know what you would like to be top of the list.