1 min read

Run DD Tech inside CW Manage

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Let's keep it short and sweet: did you know you can run DD Tech inside your ConnectWise Manage?


advantages at a glance

Fast and lightweight have become even more important nowadays when your technicians might be working with the equipment they have available and their home internet connection.

That doesn't mean they have to give up living in CW Manage, or have multiple software / browser pages open.

DD Tech is great for a million reasons, especially for its flexibility. It runs on browsers, nothing to install. It runs on any device, it's 100% responsive. It's not a substitute for your PSA, it sublimates everything that is essential for your tech to access in no time.

So why not having the best of both worlds? Add DD Tech to your CW Manage, have your remote techs perform their daily activities in there, and have them still 1-click away from all those tasks that aren't essential but are still occasionally needed.


Adding DD Tech inside CW Manage

  1. Set up Tables/Custom Menu
  2. Add a new menu
  3. Add an entry (your link should be https://myawesomemsp.deskdirector.com/tech)
  4. Untick 'Open in New Window" to run inside CW Manage
  5. Restart CW Manage
  6. Login to the DD Tech interface with Magic Token (sent to your mailbox)
  7. You now have DD Tech running inside CW Manager! Huzzah!

Wouldn't it be great if the instructions had images to make it easier?
It would. Click here, we created a Knowledgebase article on it 😁


Go ahead and check it out, and happy DeskDirectoring.


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Serena Cappellini

Written by Serena Cappellini

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