DeskDirector Consulting Explained:
At the end of the year 2017, we announced that we are going to introduce DeskDirector Consulting.
What does it mean for you? In a nutshell:
MSPs push us hard to keep extending the range and functionality of our software. This is a great thing because MSPs should always be thinking about how to improve service. We monitor these requests to inform us about new features to write. For example, DD Forms was the outcome of many requests asking how to make WuFoo forms a more inline experience. People were stretching the WuFoo integration to breaking it, and it was clear that we needed native forms.
We don't have the resources to write features for most of the requests we get and you would not want us to. We would become bloated and unwieldy if write every request into the software. DeskDirector has designed to be extensible, so that we have always been able to 'stretch' a bit (and sometimes a lot). This extensibility means that most requests can be achieved through some level of configuration and/or custom integration.
Our very advanced MSPs have been 'stretching' DeskDirector on their own account for some time. They configure and extend using in-house resources. For example, we have one MSP processing 60,000 complex workflows a month from our ticket Webhooks.
But there is a gulf between our very advanced MSPs and the rest. The difference is simply a matter of internal resources to deploy and maintain the configurations. We want all MSPs to have the opportunity to set up these advanced configurations and this is why we have introduced DeskDirector Consulting.
A great example of the complex consulting we can do happened over Christmas when we rolled out a custom replacement for the recently retired "EmailtoTicket". This could never have happened without a consulting team.
Projects can also be small. DD forms, request types and branding can be customized for your individual customers. Many MSPs don't take advantage because of time and skill issues but would gladly pay for it to be done.
Pricing will be out soon. Feel free to ask questions below or email me directly. If you are interested in becoming a DeskDirector consultant, please reach out to me directly.