1 min read

Spell Check in Chat | Chat Auto-Save | Staff HUD Features

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In this One Minute Wednesday we explore some of the small and hidden but great new additions to the 14.2 Staff HUD. 

They are initiating a phone call to a contact, spell check in chat and chat auto-save.


Video transcript:

Hi, welcome to another one-minute Wednesday. In this episode, we thought we’d talk about a couple of little features we’ve added into our 14.2 release of the heads-up display that may not be so obvious, but are really cool. Check it out.

First off, if you click the phone number or cell phone number under a contact, that can fire up your phone system and initiate a call. The next thing is when you are chatting to a client, or indeed, when you’re chatting to you, you now have a spell checker. So if you make a mistake, you can easily see it’s underlined and even right click, and choose from one of the corrected options. And finally, when a check concludes, the log, and the start and end time are automatically added to internal notes of the ticket. The team can still add a time entry, but this is a great reference for later. Hope you enjoyed learning about those little features. You can get our 14.2 release from the portal now, and feel free to check out some of our other one minute Wednesdays for other great, little tips. Have a great week. Bye for now. 

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